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Watching TV or streaming videos using headphones?

Free Stream LabelsVisual Sound Alerts

Free Stream LabelsVisual Sound Alerts

If you're watching TV or streaming videos using headphones, you may be missing out on some of the audio experience. That's because many TVs and streaming devices don't send all of the audio signal to the headphones. This can result in missing out on important dialogue, sound effects, and music.

Free Stream LabelsVisual Sound Alerts is a new app that solves this problem. The app uses a unique algorithm to identify and label the different audio streams in a video. This allows you to choose which streams you want to hear in your headphones.

Free Stream LabelsVisual Sound Alerts is available for free on the App Store and Google Play. The app is easy to use and works with all TVs and streaming devices.

Here's how to use Free Stream LabelsVisual Sound Alerts:

  1. Download and install the app on your phone or tablet.
  2. Open the app and select the TV or streaming device you're using.
  3. Select the audio streams you want to hear in your headphones.
  4. Start watching your video and enjoy the full audio experience!

Free Stream LabelsVisual Sound Alerts is a great way to improve your TV or streaming experience. The app is free, easy to use, and works with all TVs and streaming devices.


If you're not already using headphones to watch TV or stream videos, you're missing out on a great way to improve your experience. And with Free Stream LabelsVisual Sound Alerts, you can get the best possible audio experience from your headphones.

So what are you waiting for? Download Free Stream LabelsVisual Sound Alerts today and start enjoying the full audio experience from your headphones!
