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A Historic Step Forward

The Freedom to Vote Act: Expanding Voting Access and Protecting Elections

A Historic Step Forward

The Freedom to Vote Act (FTA) is a landmark piece of legislation that aims to transform the electoral landscape in the United States. The bill would standardize voting laws across the country, significantly expand voting access, and protect elections from partisan influence and sabotage.

Addressing Restrictive Voting Laws

The FTA comes at a crucial time when voting rights are under attack. In 2021, 43 states introduced restrictive voting bills, and 18 states passed such measures. These laws have made it harder for people to register to vote, cast their ballots, or have their votes counted. The FTA would reverse these harmful trends by:

  • Expanding early and mail-in voting options
  • Establishing automatic voter registration
  • Prohibiting voter purges based on unverifiable information

Protecting Election Integrity

The FTA also addresses concerns about election integrity. The bill would:

  • Establish minimum standards for cybersecurity in elections
  • Prohibit the intimidation of voters and election workers
  • Create a national commission to study and make recommendations on election administration

Ending Partisan Gerrymandering

Gerrymandering is the practice of drawing electoral districts to give a specific party an unfair advantage. The FTA would prohibit partisan gerrymandering by creating an independent redistricting commission in each state to draw district lines.

Campaign Finance Reform

The FTA includes provisions to enhance transparency and accountability in campaign finance. It would require campaigns to disclose their donors, limit the amount of money that candidates can raise, and prohibit foreign interference in elections.


The Freedom to Vote Act is a comprehensive and ambitious piece of legislation that has the potential to transform American democracy. By expanding voting access, protecting election integrity, and ending partisan gerrymandering, the FTA would make it easier for every eligible American to participate in the electoral process and ensure that the results reflect the true will of the people.
